‘I did say these folks received many perks that those in the private sector do not,’ says letter writer
BarrieToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is a rebuttal to ‘LETTER: Salary of $40K isn’t what it used to be,’ published Sept. 26.
A few days ago, I placed a letter in BarrieToday in regards to the CUPE negotiations that are ongoing. In this letter, I indicated that many folks would be happy to earn $40,000 per year and, in fact, the CUPE workers earn somewhat more than that as they have a union that offers them health care, sick days and a livable pension at retirement.
I did not say they are not entitled to a “livable” wage; I did say that these folks earn more long term than folks making $40,000 per year in the private sector.
Many in the private sector would love to make almost $800 weekly, and they would be even happier if after the age of 50, they would have additional guaranteed pension income.
Mr. Robertson, I don’t know where you spent your career and, to be frank, I don’t care as long as it was fulfilling. Please note, I made no claims about those making $40,000 annually as there are many more folks making more or less.
I did say these folks received many perks that those in the private sector do not. Please don’t misconstrue what I said.
Gord Crawford