Yellow and juicy, with sometimes sour and sometimes bitter-sweet taste, fresh aroma and amazing properties. Lemon, the fruit of the citrus family, is associated with many different uses in our everyday life, because it is not only used for cooking and desserts, but also as a disinfectant-cleanser, as an aromatic ingredient in beauty products and perfumes, and also as a therapeutic medicine. But are they really as beneficial as they are touted? The answer is yes and a lot of them.
The widespread use of lemons has led to confusion about their nutritional value, with many wellness techniques circulating around them, often without proper claims or recommendations. Below are the four most frequently asked questions about lemons with the best possible answer, according to nutritionists.
Four frequently asked questions about lemons
1. Is lemon water any good after all?
Adding lemon to water is a healthy way to flavor it without adding calories. It’s also a good reason to get a small amount of vitamin C and calcium when you drink lemon water.
2. Can consumption of lemon reduce belly fat?
Just like other fruits, lemons are a very good source of nutrients with very few calories. However, there is no solid evidence that lemons can help you lose weight or reduce belly fat.
3. Do lemons lower blood pressure?
Although it is not clear whether eating lemons directly lowers high blood pressure, previous research has found that people who regularly eat lemons and take daily walks have lower systolic blood pressure.
4. How long does it take to detoxify the body with lemon water?
Lemon has a reputation as a super detox ingredient, but studies do not exactly support that conclusion. It’s important to remember that plain water – without lemon – is enough to naturally flush toxins from the body while promoting better digestion, hydration and kidney function.

5. What is the nutritional value of lemons?
According to the USDA, one lemon contains:
- Calories: 18.8
- Protein: 0.72 grams
- Fats: 0.2 grams
- Carbohydrates: 0.5 grams
- Dietary fiber: 1.8 grams
- Sugar: 1.6 grams
- Calcium: 16.9 grams
- Iron: 0.39 milligrams
- Potassium: 89.7 milligrams
- Sodium: 1.3 milligrams
- Lemons are also rich in vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium, which provide the body with sufficient amounts of these minerals needed daily.
6. What are the main benefits they offer the body?
They contribute to better immune function
As one clinical report explains, the vitamin C that is abundant in lemons can boost immune function, reduce inflammation and possibly help fight infections.
They protect against the onset of chronic diseases
According to the National Institutes of Health, getting enough vitamin C by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The vitamin C in foods like lemons is thought to reduce oxidative damage throughout the body.
They prevent the occurrence of kidney stones
Kidney stones are made up of calcium, uric acid and oxalate, according to the Mayo Clinic . These start as fragments and then can grow into painful stones. Lemons could potentially prevent kidney stones because they contain citric acid, which binds calcium. According to Harvard Health, 80 to 85 percent of kidney stones are made up of calcium.